We love

The events and Internet

At neventum we love events because it encourages people meeting, socialising and relating to eachother. We think it is a wonderful way of living! Always ready!

We love the internet because it is transparent, fast, mobile...because it allows us to stay informed, communicate and to share like never before.

Helping you to organise, communicate and share your business events is our passion!

At neventum the user has ownership over their space and content, because we firmly believe that you should be governed by your own words

Promote your business, novelties, service or event for free. Publish and share who you are for free because nobody will promote who you are like you will. Neventum is formed by its team and its users, start by n, because we love the n, because we are all n, who we are today and who we will be tomorrow, because n is a number that grows to the infinite and beyond ( famous war call of Buzz Lightyear!), because... n reminds us of the infinity of beta versions developed, and above all because n is a number that always includes and never excludes.

Welcome to neventum, a place where you will find free tools to organise events, where you will find information about upcoming events, where you can share and grow; this is your home.

Alberto Sanz CEO neventum