Who makes it possible

Meet our team

Alberto Sanz

Alberto Sanz CEO

Contact me if you would like to clarify anything you have read, if we have made any mistakes or if you have any suggestions. Your feedback is my biggest source of information.

Lola Sanz

Lola Sanz

She masters to perfection the markets of Europe, France, Belgium, Holland, Scandinavia, ... they have no secrets for Anna who knows suppliers in the main cities of Europe.

Cristina Andrés

Cristina Andrés

Cristina has more than 5 years of experience in this Sector, she is able to find an ideal supplier in any city worlwide in the blink of an eye.
If you need a Stand in Spain or Deustchland, she makes miracles!

Mon Fernández

Mon Fernández

Italy is a one of the most active markets in Trade Shows in Europe. We are permanently required for Stands suppliers for trade shows in Milan or Florence, or italians who require a Stand worlwide. In all these cases Mon knows prefectly this market.

Adriana Arredondo

Adriana Arredondo

Brazil and USA are among the main world economies,to know ideal suppliers for your Stand in these markets is one ofNuno the keys for success in your trade shows. Daniela, from Brazil office, leads these markets directly and daily contact with the most competitive suppliers.

Silvia Olmo

Silvia Olmo

Latin America is an emergent market in which lots of companies are begining to export. To know the ideal supplier for a Stand in Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Caracas, ... isn't piece of cake. Silvia will help you to find a reputable, reliable and competitive supplier, she knows them perfectly!

Jon Iturri Backend

Jon Iturri, padre y madre de PatxiFramework, no hay línea de código en neventum que no tenga su toque. Si no le pillas programando, le pillas viendo su Athletic, dibujando o tomando una cerveza con los amigos, Iturri, también conocido como “Jon el Bueno” es una pieza clave en el desarrollo de neventum.

Jordi Touza Bonnin Frontend

Touza es un talibán del responsive design, metódico y gran tipo, sin él en vuestras pantallas en lugar de neventum aparecería la carta de ajuste! Sus pasiones: su hijo, la fotografía, moverse por la ciudad en Bicicleta y todo lo que tenga que ver con el frontend y mejorar la experiencia del usuario

Lourdes Pérez Admin

Lourdes pone orden en nuestras vidas y en la de los clientes. Nuestra responsable del departamento financiero tan pronto te analiza un balance como se preocupa porqué no has comido. Pese a su juventud Lourdes es la mami que todos queremos tener cerca, no sé que sería de nosotros sin ella!